Name of the RescueNina HartlandFull Name of the OwnerNina HartlandOwner's email addresshartlandnina@hotmail.comOwner's phone number0000000000Full Name of the second Owner (if a partnership)N/ASecond owner's email addressN/ASecond owner's phone numberN/ASuburbBrisbaneStateQLDPostcode4000
Rescue Details
What is the Mission Statement of your Rescue?I help to save pets from being put to sleep from RURAL NSW pounds and share far and wide those that are due to be killed.
Not a rescue but a resource dedicated to saving animals.How long has your rescue been operational?10+ yearsIs your RescueIs your rescue an Approved Rehoming Organisation and on the NSW Office of Local Government List (see their website)NoDoes your rescue hold a 17(1c) which your rescue is exempt from the lifetime-registration fee?NoDoes your rescue post on the following platforms? (tick all that applies)What is your Social Media account name (handle) for each platform you are using?Rural NSW Critical Pound Pledges
How many foster volunteers do you have? (they may not all have a rescue pet at the one time)Do you need Volunteers to also fulfill the following media roles?Other? Please specifyN/ADo you need Volunteers to also fulfill the following roles?Other? Please specifyN/AHow many pets do you rescue and rehome per year?Thousands of lives can potentially be saved if we have more Foster Carers and Rescue involved.Are your rescued pets in YOUR name or the Owner's Name?Other? Please specifyN/AWhat's kinds of pets do you rescue? (TICK all that apply)Do you rescue dogs, mainlyWhere do your pets come from?Council Animal Shelters (Pounds)If Other, please specify
Vet & Foster Details
Where is your vet of choice located? If you use, more than one vet, please complete this box and the next box and so on.2nd vet of choice3rd vet of choice4th vet of choiceDo you have an Emergency Vet Hospital of choice?Do you have a Specialist Vet of choice?Do you have an Out-of-Area Critical Care Vet/Hospital of choice?Do you require your Foster Carers to conduct a "meet & greet"If you have another process for meet & greets, please specifyOn average, how long do your Foster Carers care for pets in need (tick all that apply)If Other, please specifyDo you require your Foster Carers to sign a Contract of Care?If Other, please specifyDoes your rescue have a Foster Carers Group on Facebook?If yes, please provide a link to the GroupDo you provide any of the following information to new and/or existing Foster CarersIf Other, please specifyDoes your rescue provide an Induction Program for new Foster Carers?Does your rescue provide face-to-face training for new Foster Carers or any other face-to-face training during the year?What equipment should your foster carers have at home to foster?What other equipment should your Foster Carers have that is not mentioned in the question above?Do you require a foster carer to care for pets that areWhat experience would you like your foster carers to have (with dogs)?Does your rescue work with a Dog Trainer?If Other, please specifyWhat experience would you like your foster carers to have (with cats)?Communication with our Foster Carers is MAINLY throughThe Foster Care Interview will be. Please tick all that apply.If you have another process for interviews, please specifyWill the Rescue emergency contact person be available (TICK all that apply)If Other, please specifyDoes your rescue allow Foster Carers that live in an apartment? Tick all that applyIf Other, please specifyWhat is your policy on Foster to Adoption? Please all that applyIs there anything else that you would like Foster Carers to know about your Rescue?Hi, I share animals that are on Death Row, and running out of time. Pets are being put to sleep in NSW Rural pounds due to overcrowding and dumping of unwanted pets in our Council pounds.
Please help by SHARING links of dogs on death row, on borrowed time.